Saturday, January 11, 2014

14 Week Bump Update!

Pregnancy Stats
Baby Size: Lemon - 3.5 inches
Total Weight Gain: I'm afraid to find out at my appointment next week...
Maternity Clothes: Indeed, the black top is a maternity top- but it is still a little big.
Food Cravings: Nothing specific- just hungry :)
Food Aversions: the coffee smell is still my worst aversion!
New Symptoms: Less nausea- yay! Still waiting for that energy boost...
Movement: not yet!
Belly Button: In
Gender: We don't know- but Milan agreed to find out!!!
Best Moment of the Week: Starting to tell people/talk about baby. Also shopping at Babies R' Us for Libby's shower made me really excited to have an infant of my very own!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our next doctors appointment (1/18)
What I Miss: feeling like myself
What Else: The house projects are in full swing around here once again- Milan has been working like CRAZY to get his office done so that we can start clearing out his old office for the baby's room.


Here's our little baby lemon!

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