Saturday, December 28, 2013

12 Week Bump Update!

Pregnancy Stats
Baby Size: Lime - 2 inches
Total Weight Gain: I don't know but my clothes were feeling awfully tight on Christmas!
Maternity Clothes: Not yet
Food Cravings: Nothing specific- just hungry :)
Food Aversions: Coffee has been absolutely disgusting to me.
New Symptoms: Tummy has started to bump out just a little bit.
Movement: not yet!
Belly Button: In
Gender: We don't know
Best Moment of the Week: Getting to tell our extended family that I was 12 weeks pregnant on Christmas day!
What I'm Looking Forward To: The second trimester perk of less nausea!
What I Miss: My clear skin
What Else: The whole family was sick over Christmas and I was no exception. Low fever, sore throat, stuffy nose, nasty cough- that sure isn't fun when you can't take any cold/flu medicine!


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