Monday, March 24, 2014

24 Week Bump Update!

Pregnancy Stats
Baby Size: Cucumber- 12 inches
Total Weight Gain: about 18lbs and it feels like a TON more.
Maternity Clothes: Pretty much exclusively! Bought a really cute mint green t-shirt...wore it once when the sun came out and realized it won't fit much longer. Yikes! Good thing it was cheap.
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular...just hungry.
Food Aversions: Coffee is still the only thing I find revolting.
New Symptoms: Sore back, more and more trouble bending at the waist, starting to feel like I'm waddling a bit as I walk.
Movement: TONS!  Still enjoying the fluttering and twitching. Sometimes it feels like she is blowing bubbles inside of me. It has been fun to let both grandmas and Auntie Serin get a chance to feel her movements!
Belly Button: In
Gender: GIRL!
Best Moment of the Week: Having everyone over for March Madness. Not pregnancy related, but nice to celebrate what has become an annual Compton household tradition.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Going to Florida tomorrow to see my grandparents and Aunt Peggy/Uncle Frank! Not pregnancy related- but I am so excited for some fun and relaxation!
What I Miss: MIMOSAS! It was hard not to go on the champagne campaign with Serin during March Madness.
What Else: Can't believe that Winter Quarter is over and I'm headed on Spring Break. The quarters ALWAYS go by so quickly, and at the end of this one it will be almost time to welcome Baby Compton into the world!

And here is our little cucumber bump up close!

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