Friday, February 28, 2014

20 Week Bump Update!

Sorry for the delay in posting- I know I promised to post every two weeks at the very least for a two week bump update- but we missed week 18. It has been a crazy busy time with school, data collection, and preparing to present at my NASP conference in Washington DC.  Between all of that I have not felt much like taking a picture. Unfortunately there was a TON of growth between 16 and you'll just have to imagine a nice little in between belly photo for week 18.

Pregnancy Stats
Baby Size: Banana- 10 inches
Total Weight Gain: about 12lbs- Dr. still says I'm on track for the halfway mark...but it piled on quickly this past month or so and that belly feels like it just popped out of nowhere!
Maternity Clothes: Rocking the maternity jeans I splurged on- hopefully they will make it through a few pregnancies.
Food Cravings: Salty and sweet but nothing in particular.
Food Aversions: Coffee
New Symptoms: I've been having a ton of bloody noses. I've only had one before in my life, but since I've been pregnant I have had somewhere around 8. Two happened the week I found out and I've had a few since, but this week I had four in a period of 24 hours- and each one happened in a different state! One in a pizzeria in NYC, the next at our friends' house in Bethesda, MD, the next at the airport in Washington DC (not officially a state- I know), and the final one in our kitchen in Redmond, WA.
Movement: TONS! At 17 weeks, 2 days (Friday January 31) I felt what seemed like a twitch in my lower belly. It kept happening over and over again as I was lying down so I called Milan to come and feel! He confirmed that it was so faint and rhythmic that it was probably just a twitch. However...over the next few days the "twitch" began to move to different locations. The baby was really going crazy fluttering around during the Super Bowl and the Victory parade a few days later! Go Hawks! Since then the movements have become stronger and more consistent. The sonographer told me my placenta is located towards the back so I should be lucky enough to feel Baby C's every movement as he or she gets bigger! Mixed feelings about that...but for now I'm loving feeling the flutters and twitches. It feels like a private joke that nobody knows about. I feel the baby a lot when I lay down on my back and when I sit- just a few times while I've been standing.
Belly Button: In
Gender: We had an ultra sound on February 19, 2014 (exactly 20 weeks) to find out- but we're not sharing yet! Stay tuned for our family gender reveal photos. :)
Best Moment of the Week: Besides the ultra sound (finding out that Baby C looks very healthy) I would have to say having Milan feel all the little movements! It's very exciting to share them with him.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Sharing the gender
What I Miss: My old skin. It has been incredibly dry and there is not much I can do about it!
What Else: Not much- this was a lengthy update. Stay tuned for a story about our ultra sound, pictures, and the big news!

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