Sunday, January 26, 2014

16 Week Bump Update!

Pregnancy Stats
Baby Size: Avocado - 4.5 inches
Total Weight Gain: 4.5 lbs at the doctor last week- she assures me that this is right on track and it's definitely less than I feel as if I've gained!
Maternity Clothes: Still pushing it in my regular clothes for the most part! Rocking the leggings and some old sweaters.
Food Cravings: I totally crave something sweet after dinner- but Milan is convinced that this is nothing new for me :)
Food Aversions: Coffee
New Symptoms: My lower back is starting to ache a little bit and I'm much more aware of how many times I'm awake at night. I think this is just because I feel it every time I change sides since it is already harder to get comfortable
Movement: not yet!
Belly Button: In
Gender: We don't know- but our next appointment is on Valentine's Day and we will have an ultrasound the following week.
Best Moment of the Week: Starting to make some decisions about a car seat and stroller! Milan and I went to Merry Go Round in Bellevue to demo a few and I think we've settled on the Britax-B-Ready and Britax-B-Safe- now just waiting for them to go on sale!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Fitting into maternity clothes a little better. This awkward in between is difficult some days!
What I Miss: Clear skin!!!
What Else: So glad to be feeling so much better. The doctor found a strong heartbeat right away at the last appointment- which was fun because we got to record it! Click on the video below and listen carefully for the "whomp whomp whomp" at the beginning if you'd like to hear it!

And here are the obligatory avocado pictures!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

New Habits

So as my pre-pregnancy pants are getting tighter and tighter I have taken to unbuttoning them in the evenings, either as I walk in the door or before I eat dinner. Tonight I was sitting at my desk working on stuff for school and I felt some uncomfortable pressure so I went to undo the pants button....when I realized I had already unbuttoned them hours ago when I got home. Yikes!


Saturday, January 11, 2014

14 Week Bump Update!

Pregnancy Stats
Baby Size: Lemon - 3.5 inches
Total Weight Gain: I'm afraid to find out at my appointment next week...
Maternity Clothes: Indeed, the black top is a maternity top- but it is still a little big.
Food Cravings: Nothing specific- just hungry :)
Food Aversions: the coffee smell is still my worst aversion!
New Symptoms: Less nausea- yay! Still waiting for that energy boost...
Movement: not yet!
Belly Button: In
Gender: We don't know- but Milan agreed to find out!!!
Best Moment of the Week: Starting to tell people/talk about baby. Also shopping at Babies R' Us for Libby's shower made me really excited to have an infant of my very own!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our next doctors appointment (1/18)
What I Miss: feeling like myself
What Else: The house projects are in full swing around here once again- Milan has been working like CRAZY to get his office done so that we can start clearing out his old office for the baby's room.


Here's our little baby lemon!